Photo - CoinGenius


Transparency for Crypto, Trade & Mine like a Genius

USA, California
Market: Financial services, Blockchain, Crypto currency, Artificial Intelligence
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 04.05.2019
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Founder Jeremy Born was sick of missing out on trade opportunities. He posited if we bring all the good crypto data & tools into one place, we can make sense of it w AI/ML, same as we have done for 5+ years in Fortune 500. He brought Data Scientists, Wall Street, Quant Traders and a bunch of Technology Geniuses together to solve this massive problem for all of crypto. With our data, you can know who to trust, who you absolutely shouldn't trust and surface the magic. You don't have to know how an engine works to drive to the store. Come join us and learn how to Trade Like a Genius.

Current Status

We have the team, the vision, the passion, the smarts and the capabilities to build this monster. We are revamping the frontend experience to differentiate our user experience from any competitor.

We have built predictions and cool quantifiable metrics & products that are proprietary to CoinGenius.

We have identified data and service partnerships to bring into our community. We have verbal agreements in place with some of the top disruptors and transparency providers that have ever existed for crypto.

The community of 40 million + Traders & Miners who have heard our vision for the past year are SALIVATING for these products.

Only 2 on the team are full time. It's hard to find geniuses who aren't already employed by geniuses.

Investment would allow us to develop much quicker and bring some of the team on full time, plus operational & marketing runway.


All crypto traders & miners at every level. Anyone considering to enter the crypto space.

Traders from complicated Wall Street HFT/Algo strategies to Passive Investment Vehicles gaining 8-20% returns without much effort.

Miners care if they need an ASIC, GPU, laptop or Cell phone to be able to mine plus market regime responses, we give them what they need in real-time so they can switch strategies and gain the highest ROI.

Short answer, everyone needs to understand this space better so they can make some money.

Problem or Opportunity

There's 40m+ wallet users trading $35-50 BILLION each day. Market Cap is up $60 BILLION dollars from 8 weeks ago. That's not even counting the mining communities.

Crypto is here. And it's confusing. It's like a 24/7 Wall Street, but global. Sentiment varies from day to day, region to region and you need someone to make sense of it all. Someone to identify fraud & bad actors, to leverage cool math nerd stuff to make it easy for anyone to understand. You have to understand the full global landscape in real time to make educated decisions around trading or mining.

People don't want another dashboard. They want someone to surface the magic and hit the mute button on the things they don't care about. They want a curated experience based on their needs, not a blanket solution.

Wall Street & others would move into this market if they had the same tools & regulations they are used to dealing with.

Solution (product or service)

CoinGenius: A 1-stop shop for actionable information based on universal sentiment analysis, AI-based scoring systems, advanced forecasting models, and high-quality data feeds.

2000+ Coins scored against hundreds of metrics so they can be categorized and easier to predict their response to market regimes & changes.

Predictive analytics, trust scores, fraud/scam call outs, influencer rankings, wallet history trustworthiness score, exchange wash trading frequency score, thousands and thousands of metrics from CoinGenius, and others we trust, all in one place.

One ecosystem with community consensus to make sense of the chaos, bringing a level of transparency to crypto that has never existed in the space. We aim to remove every objection to participating in crypto & tokenized economies by making it easier for laymen and geniuses to understand.


CoinMarketCap, Trading View, Trading Dashboards, etc.
Any coin AI trading/mining strategy
Think tanks & research conglomerates

*We are neutralizing competition for some by bringing them directly into our ecosystem as partners. We know we can't build everything so we created the platform to champion the best tools & services

Advantages or differentiators

Push Notifications - Get updates in real time
User Experience - see only what you want
True Global Sentiment - we can understand sarcasm or when an account has been hacked
Reduction in Research Time - all the info in one place
Lower Barrier to Entry - Make it easy for the layman to understand
Best Partnerships - Curated list from 1.5+ years of research & networking
Best Wall Street & Quant Network - Our team is seen as leaders in the space
Deep Understanding of Crypto Landscape
Passion for Crypto & Blockchain Technologies
Passion for Math Nerds & Bleeding Edge Technologies
Deep understanding of fundamentals


We raised $200k in pre-seed.

We are seeking $3m total, preferably w a lead investor to set valuation.

We have been invited to join the Tareo Fund, which will use our data for their HFT/Algo/Hedging strategy, as well as include us in their portfolio of disruptor companies. This is another option to invest in CoinGenius indirectly via a diversified offering.

Business model

Subscription models for website, mobile & API

$99/mo full website access for June - Aug 1 (price subject to change)
Up to $1m/yr for full API access
$100k, $500k, $1m+ API access levels (June+)

Single Service Subscriptions, Packages and Individual Transactions

*Let me do it (API), Do it with me (Website), Do it for me (Mobile), Buy it from me (API Marketplace)

Money will be spent on

Operations, Marketing, Development, Data Partnerships, bringing critical team members on full time, etc.

Kristina has a detailed breakdown at $100k, $250k, $500k, $1m, $1.5m and $3m of how the funds will be spent depending on how much is raised.

Offer for investor

Investment Options - $3M Total Raise

3 Tranches: $500k, $1m, $1.5m

Future Tokens
SAFE(T) Agreement

*Valuation to be determined by lead investor

*Alternative Indirect Investment to CoinGenius: Tareo Fund ($200m+) $100k - $10m+ seats, diversified disruptor fund, HFT Algos w CG data

TODAY- FIRST $100k + 20% + more

2% Equity in Genius XV
2% Future Tokens
12 months from today:
Using aggressive 5% Profit share
Quarterly payments until $120k

If you introduce us to an investor that is:
·         Named in advance
·         Not already working with CoinGenius or Genius XV
And the introduction results in a loan or investment, then the commission fee structure is as follows:
10%        Up to $500k
7.5%      $500k-$1.5m
5%          $1.5m-$3m

Team or Management


Crypto is still seen as "scary"
Other providers are creeping up on us
SEC compliance is not solidified, although can be forecasted
Big Hedge Funds are still reluctant to move forward without excellent L2 data

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

We can only participate in LA based accelerators due to family constraints. We have been invited to participate in the Fall accelerator w USC Marshall.

Won the competition and other awards

Winner of the Nov 2018 Washington Elite Pitch Competition


Proprietary CoinGenius products & algos


Photo 1 - Transparency for Crypto, Trade & Mine like a Genius

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Problem or Opportunity
Solution (product or service)
Advantages or differentiators
Invested in previous rounds, $
Business model
Money will be spent on
Offer for investor
Team or Management
Mentors & Advisors
Lead investor
Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
Won the competition and other awards
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